Becoming a Member


Becoming a Member

We welcome new member applications. Are you someone who enjoys engaging with customers and fellow artists? Are you comfortable operating a cash register? Retail experience is not required, just willingness to learn and flexibility to work shifts (approximately 15 hours each month, about 3 shifts) in our store. At the Porter Square gallery, we look for artists with high-quality, original work only. No imports or kits allowed. Membership requirements are as follows:

  • Members contribute three shifts a month toward the running of the store. Each shift is approximately five hours long.
  • Members are required to attend four meetings a calendar year.
  • Members contribute time to running some aspect of the business (such as lighting, display, scheduling, ordering supplies, etc.).
  • Members pay an initial, nonrefundable fee of $225 to join the cooperative gallery.
  • Members pay commission fee out of their sales.


Jury Process

  1. All applicants are required to send photos of their work and their Web site address (if you have one) with the subject “jury” to Jan Hurd ( for initial review by membership. After initial review, the applicant may or may not be invited to jury their work based on the following guidelines:
  • Marketability and appeal to our customers
  • Appropriateness for our store at that time
  • Originality of design
  • Quality of materials and craftsmanship
  • Attention to detail
  • Price and durability

We will not accept any work that is too similar or competitive with a current member’s work.

We will get back to you shortly to let you know whether your work is appropriate for jurying at our store. If it is, further instructions on the jury process will be sent. You will need to drop off a few samples of your work at our Porter Square location and pick them up after the jury.



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